Does Aspirin Really Help Your Heart?

Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory that can reduce your heart attack and stroke risks. This is why
aspirin and other arthritis pain relievers are commonly prescribed by doctors. However, does
aspirin really help your heart health? The answer depends on how it works and why.

Aspirin works by reducing the thickness of blood vessels. It reduces the dilation of blood vessels,
which leads to less blood flow to the heart. The more blood flow to the heart, the less heart attack
and stroke will take place. So aspirin actually has some beneficial effects in the treatment of
cardiovascular problems.

But aspirin does have some undesirable side effects. Most notably, people taking aspirin to treat
heart disease experience gastrointestinal problems like nausea and upset stomach. This is a
relatively benign side effect as most gastrointestinal problems will heal themselves. But the
short-term effects of aspirin on your stomach can be worrisome.

Besides this, aspirin also helps reduce the formation of clots. Clots are dangerous for people with
coronary diseases because they can break off from the heart and into the rest of the body. When
this happens, the person can die. So, aspirin definitely has its benefits but it is best that you use it
with caution or in moderation.

If you think aspirin is helpful in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, what about side
effects? Some people experience liver problems when taking aspirin. Also, aspirin can help
increase cholesterol levels in the blood which is known to be a factor in heart attacks. In
addition, taking too much aspirin can lead to conditions such as ulcers. Ulcers are painful lesions
in the mouth that is caused by the breaking of the inner mucous membrane. So aspirin can
actually harm your heart and liver.

So, the answer to the question, “Does aspirin really help your heart health?” depends on the
severity of your condition. If you have just a little plaque on your arteries and not yet a
cardiovascular disease, then aspirin may actually be helpful. If your heart is hurting badly or if
your arteries are already clogged, then aspirin should be avoided. Always talk to your doctor
before taking any over-the-counter or prescription medication for your heart health. You can get
your medications from The Pharmacy.

One thing is for sure; if you have an aspirin allergy, then aspirin will do you no good. You may
find that it even causes your asthma to get worse. If you have a problem with allergies, then
aspirin should definitely be avoided. And remember, aspirin is only one of the many different
types of anti-inflammatory medications that can help your heart health.

Taking vitamins E and C are also beneficial to your heart health. Vitamins E improves the
production of nitric oxide, which relaxes your arteries and reduces the blood flow to your heart.
C strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps to keep them from leaking. It also reduces the
risk of a stroke or a heart attack. There are many vitamins and herbs that are beneficial to your
health, but aspirin is definitely not one of them!